The Ever Evolving Process of Knowing Thyself: Choosing Your Own Emotions

To embed adult learning into the classroom is a quintessential act of Professional Learning. Approaches that facilitate this often result in effectively practicing many principles of Professional Learning.

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Learning Focus
How to understand and master choosing your emotions

Most Beneficial for
All Education Professionals

Have you ever felt stuck in an emotion that you know is not serving you or the people you interact with well? Is the persistent way you feel about a situation, an impending change, or a person stopping you from moving forward or being the best version of your professional or personal self? If this describes your emotional state and you would like to move on, join us for a Professional Learning series that will provide you with a range of strategies that you can apply right away, to begin to choose your own emotions and manage your emotional responses better. Significantly, we are happy to facilitate collaborative features with other education professionals that ensure the transference of your treasure chest of strategies into sustained practice.

Upon successful completion of this series, you should be better prepared to:

  • Engage in compassionate self-awareness
    • Match your emotions to purpose
    • Employ strategies to choose your emotions
    • Recognise the intersection of emotions and culture
    • Set SECC Goals and form mutually supportive partnerships
  • Equity Drivers
    • Educators prioritise equity in professional learning practices
    • Educators identify and address their own biases and beliefs
    • Educators collaborate with diverse colleagues
  • Culture of Collaborative Enquiry
    • Educators build collaboration skills and capacity
  • Self – Awareness
    • Demonstrate a variety of emotional regulation strategies
    • Demonstrate flexibility when encountering new and unexpected ideas, events.
    • Demonstrate self-regulation
    • Develop Awareness of Own Emotions
    • Identify and recognise own triggers
    • Recognise, label, and express what they are feeling and why
    • Recognise How Other People and Environment Influence Your Emotions
    • Set and achieve goals
  • Equity
    • Demonstrate Sensitivity to Identity and Cultures


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu libero justo. Donec dignissim mattis nibh, eget sollicitudin sapien. Sed sed iaculis purus. Etiam ac dui molestie, feugiat odio et, aliquet lorem. Aenean ut scelerisque lectus. Aenean ornare sed dui ut dapibus. Ut eget enim et lorem vehicula bibendum ut quis quam.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu libero justo. Donec dignissim mattis nibh, eget sollicitudin sapien. Sed sed iaculis purus. Etiam ac dui molestie, feugiat odio et, aliquet lorem. Aenean ut scelerisque lectus. Aenean ornare sed dui ut dapibus. Ut eget enim et lorem vehicula bibendum ut quis quam.

Join the National Educators'
Institute in 3 Simple Steps

Get ready for your journey of professional growth and transformative learning with the NEI. Be open to embracing these three actions to start and to sustain a successful NEI experience. 

step 1


an active learner mindset. Be ready for learning where you make meaning of knowledge and practice skills with colleagues

step 2


questions you, as a dynamic educational scholar, can research in your classroom or explore in professional conversations

step 3


with diverse education professionals from all types and levels of schooling. Discover learning and peer coaching partners.

Join the NEI today and embark on a transformative journey that will shape your professional career and positively influence the future of education in Bermuda.