Ed-Vantage Videos

Along with interviews and professional conversations, Ed-Vantage Videos highlight:
  • classroom embedded professional learning activities,
  • high impact education activities to implement professional learning,
  • administrative practices that support the access to and implementation of new teacher learning.

Ed-vantage is a video repository of example lessons and insightful professional conversations and interviews.

They highlight classroom embedded professional learning activities, high impact education activities to implement professional learning, and supportive administrative practices in a local context. Video content need not always display mastery, as professional learning, its implementation, and impact on student learning is process oriented. However, all content must align with one of the types of education practice as identified and defined by EOA Clearinghouse.

Promising Education Practice

  • Detailed information describing the practice and how to implement it is available. Data collection is in process, but rigorous evaluation has not yet been completed.

Validated Education Practice

  • A promising practice that has undergone rigorous evaluation documenting positive student outcomes in your setting. The referenced evaluation design could be experimental or quasi-experimental quantitative, qualitative, or mixed.

Exemplary Education Practice

  • A validated education practice successfully replicated at multiple education settings with similar positive student outcomes.
Recommendations for Ed-Vantage Videos must come from system leaders, education officers, school leaders & deputies, division and departmental heads, professional development directors, and instructional coaches.
Which of the following education practices does the video content align with?
Where relevant, indicate the level of mastery in the video
Max. file size: 2 GB.