The NEI Professional Bookcase

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.”
– Jim Rohn

The NEI Professional Bookcase

50 - 70 word abstract or hook?

What makes the author an authority?

What is the primary premise ?

Who is the intended audience and why?

Personal response?

Citation in APA 7th edition?

Article/Book Recommendations

We love a good read at the NEI. We invite you to fill our digital professional bookcase with recommendations of books and articles that impact you.


Professional Bookcase Recommendations
No more than 1 single spaced page.

The rectangles above outline the content for your recommendations. The personal response section might include one or two of the following:

  1. What did or did not appeal to you?
  2. What you learned from the read?
  3. How the read made you feel?
  4. What did the read confirm, make you question?
  5. How did it make you think about a topic you already knew in a new way?
Please ensure direct links are not a copyright infringement.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 2 GB, Max. files: 1.

    Literary Response Essays

    Add a Literary Response(LR) essay to the Professional Bookcase and earn professional learning credit! We invite Responsive Essays, where you respond to a reading and Critical Essays, where you critique a chapter of a book or a single idea from your reading.

    Click the links to view the format of each essay type.

    Responsive Essay Format

    Critical Essay Format

    Literary Response Essays are accepted and earn professional learning credit pending review by the Pedagogy & Practice or Research & Scholarship Tier. Submission is not a guarantee of acceptance. Essays are either accepted as is, returned for edits, or rejected. Please refrain from submitting the essay to any other publication while under consideration by the NEI. Accepted articles may be published in PL Matters! or placed in the Bank of Brilliance.

    Form Content:
    Submission should include your name, your school, your position, a head shot, your preferred email address, Book/Article name, Intended Audience.

    Submit a URL where your article or book may be purchased. Please ensure direct links are not a copyright infringement.
    Intended Audience
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 2 GB, Max. files: 1.