Vision & Mission Statement

Welcome to the National Educators’ Institute where we are committed to empowering educators and shaping the future of education. Our institute serves as a hub for educational innovation, professional growth, and collaborative learning.

Vision Statement

The National Educators’ Institute is an international leader of professional learning that enriches, invests in, and supports education professionals to become the most highly skilled in the world.

Mission Statement

The National Educators’ Institute is a future forward hub for educational dynamic difference makers. We enhance the skills and grow the expertise of education professionals through collaborative & culturally responsive practices that embed and transfer into the learning environment to impact student outcomes.

The NEI Core Values

The NEI uses the following terms when referring to the wide range and roles of workers within Bermuda’s Private and Public Schools as well as Bermuda College.

  • Education Fraternity
  • Education Professionals
  • Multi-Sector or Multi-Education Sector


The NEI Core Values: A Guiding Compass
The NEI Core Values serve as a foundation for the daily work and interactions of the NEI Developers. They represent a shared commitment that unites us and guides our decisions. These values define the ethical and professional standards we will strive to uphold.

The dominant themes throughout the NEI Core Values are professional growth and excellence. The NEI Core Values emphasise building scholarship, fostering collaboration, providing high-quality professional learning, and celebrating achievement. They promote a culture of professionalism, collaboration, and lifelong learning within the NEI that influence our interaction with others. Adherence to these values will ensure that we, the NEI Developers, maximise our collective skills and knowledge to deliver exceptional networking and educational experiences for Bermuda’s education fraternity.

The Core Values are:

  • Building Scholarship
  • Championing Innovation
  • Fostering Collaboration
  • Practising Professionalism
  • Embracing Cultural Confidence

Core Values:

Encouraging Research Excellence: Foster a culture that values and supports high-quality academic research, encouraging education professionals to engage in scholarly activities.

Promoting Lifelong Learning: Develop programs and initiatives that promote continuous learning, ensuring education professionals have access to resources that enhance their knowledge and skills.

Applying Rigorous Professional Standards: Apply and maintain relevant professional standards, creating an environment to support how education professionals learn, lead, teach and support each other.

Investing in Education Professional Growth: Provide opportunities for education professionals to stay current in their fields, engaging in professional growth to enhance their teaching and research capabilities.

Recognising Scholarly and Professional Learning Achievement: Celebrate and acknowledge scholarly and professional learning achievements, inspiring a culture of excellence.

Encouraging Entrepreneurial Mindsets: Nurture an environment of professional responsibility, inspiring education professionals to value curiosity and personal growth as professional wealth.

Supporting School Collaboration: Build bridges between schools, promoting an exchange of ideas to drive change and innovation between each type and level of schooling and among all education professional roles.

Embracing Technology Integration: Actively integrate and leverage technology in teaching and learning methods, creating a technologically advanced and innovative educational experience.

Creating Incubators and Innovation Hubs: Establish creative, flexible spaces, facilitating educators to collaborate on projects, experiment with ideas, and incubate innovative solutions. 

Engaging with Industry Partners: Form partnerships with industries and organisations to bridge the gap between academia and real- world applications, fostering collaborative projects and research that drives innovation.

Promoting Team-Based Learning: Create collaborative and active learning experiences and resources, emphasising the importance of a peer team approach to collective, cyclical problem-solving and the implementation of new learning.

Facilitating Collaboration: Encourage collaboration amongst teachers within and beyond their grade levels and subjects, establishing multi-sector collaboration across different grades and disciplines, and between types and levels of schooling.

Establishing Community Partnerships: Build relationships with local communities and organisations, creating opportunities for education professionals to engage in projects that address real-world challenges.

Supporting Inclusive Decision-Making: Foster a culture of inclusivity in decision-making processes, involving diverse stakeholders in shaping the NEI’s direction and policies.

Cultivating a Supportive Environment: Create a supportive and open atmosphere where education professionals and aspiring educators feel comfortable sharing ideas, seeking feedback, and collaborating without fear of judgement.

Championing Trust & Ethics: NEI Developers build trust through ethical conduct and professionalism, upholding the highest standards in all NEI work and interactions.

Providing High-Quality Professional Growth Opportunities: Offer high quality professional learning that lead to positive changes in educator knowledge, skills, and mindsets, prompting changes in educator practices that accelerate student outcomes. (Learning Forward, 2022).

Encouraging Professional Networking: Facilitate opportunities for educators to connect with professionals in their respective fields, fostering networking, and mentorship relationships.

Promoting Effective Communication: Emphasise the importance of critical conversations using clear and effective communication skills, challenging culturally imposed hesitations whilst being courageous, candid, convincing, but kind.

Instilling a Wellness Work Ethic: Foster a culture of intentional work, encouraging education professionals to approach their work with diligence, dedication, responsibility, and a commitment to excellence without compromising their overall health and wellness.

Cultivating a Diverse and Inclusive Environment: Actively promote diversity and inclusivity, creating an environment where individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds feel valued and respected.

Integrating Global Perspectives: Whilst honouring local expertise, the NEI offerings extend toward global perspectives that expose education professionals to a variety of cultural viewpoints, thereby stimulating the interrogation of their world views.

Celebrating Cultural Awareness: Celebrate cultural awareness, promoting respect, understanding, and appreciation of local scholarship and expertise, building confidence in Bermuda’s local resources. Fostering Cultural Competence: Offer professional learning opportunities that enhance cultural competence, preparing students and faculty to navigate diverse cultural contexts effectively.

Fostering Cultural Confidence

The NEI Promise

Diverse Voices Make Us Stronger

The input of varied education professionals guide the design and implementation of the NEI.

In our culture, diverse populations of educators collaborate to enhance professional learning for the collective success of education in and for Bermuda..

Professional Learning Standards
We employ Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning that outline the characteristics of high quality educator learning that leads to effective teaching practices, supportive leadership, and improved student results.
Collaborative & Embedded Learning
We reach where you teach. The NEI provides collaborative learning protocols for education professionals to support each other during classroom embedded professional learning.
Transfer of Learning
New learning doesn’t belong in a folder on a shelf. We help you to move your valuable knowledge and skills from the workshop to the workspace.